
A force for good

We provide practical and internationally proven health emergency and disaster management solutions, that are scalable, adaptable, and fit for purpose. Whether the driver of risk is domestic or international, our solutions take the specific characteristics of your operating environment into account to determine how current response capabilities can be enhanced, developed and sustained, and how they will be accessed when and if disaster strikes.

Your industry response partner

Recent events showed how underprepared many organisations and industry sectors were in being able to respond to a crisis on the scale that the COVID-19 pandemic presented. Don’t wait until the next health crisis or disaster impacts your industry – prepare now and protect your reputation, your brand and your workforce today.

We are helping others plan, prepare & respond somewhere in the world right now.

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Current responses

Medical Staff Shortage Support to Local Hospitals and Clinics
Southern NSW, Australia
  • Health Workforce Support
  • Health Services
  • Outbreak
Supporting Local Health Response to Remote Communities
  • Deployment of health experts
  • Government
  • Health Services

Recent responses

Mar, 2023
HELPR-1 Response to Cyclones Judy and Kevin
Oct, 2022
Earthquake simulation exercise
Our Work