
NZ National Emergency Management Authority (NEMA)

3 min read
NZ NEMA Earthquake Simulation Support

Response Details

Disaster Management Training
NZ National Emergency Management Authority (NEMA)
Development of EMAT Capability for Catastrophic National Level Events
April 2020

The NZ Emergency Management Assistance Team (EMAT) is a specialist team consisting of personnel from Central and Local Government and Emergency services who provide incident management support, assistance and mentoring to Incident Management Teams during national disaster events.

EMAT is trained and equipped to operate in austere post-disaster conditions and is supported by deployable coordination centre caches and specialist communications equipment.

Respond Global was contracted by the New Zealand Emergency Management Authority (NEMA) to join an EMAT disaster management training simulation in New Zealand over 3 days in February 2020. Deliverables included mentorship to course candidates, role-playing, facilitating discussion groups, debriefs and delivering lectures.

Respond Global offer unique insights into managing catastrophic national emergencies and have direct experience in coordinating international and national stakeholders during disaster events such as the Typhoon Haiyan, West Africa Ebola Virus Disease outbreak, Nepal Earthquake, Mozambique Floods, and complex emergencies and war in Syria, Yemen, Iraq and Nigeria.

Specifically, Respond Global was tasked with developing the capabilities of qualified EMAT personnel through coaching and mentoring during the disaster management simulation exercise. We also provided advice to key regional emergency advisors in effectively managing potential future catastrophic national events, based on our own experience in this area.


Detailed after-action reviews and reports and recommended capability development programs to support EMAT and associated personnel.

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