
Ponant Cruises

2 min read
December 22nd, 2020
Ponant Cruises Return to Sailing

Response Details

Infectious Disease Outbreak Response Planning
Ponant Cruises
Return to COVID-Safe cruising in Australian waters
December 2020 - ongoing

Respond Global assisted Ponant Cruises, a luxury small-group cruise operator based in France, with a return to COVID-Safe cruising in Australian waters. engaging with State health departments and agencies to provide a high-level operational and risk mitigation strategy. We also developed scenario-based COVID-19 plans and protocols for their vessels, in addition to on- and off-shore quarantine plans for crew traveling to Australia by boat.

In response to our support, Sarina Bratton, Chairman Asia Pacific, said:

“PONANT engaged the services of Respond Global during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic when it became clear that the Federal and State Governments were introducing prohibitive restrictions on the cruising industry, into and around Australia. They used their technical medical skills and experience to provide invaluable assistance to Ponant Australia throughout this tortuous and drawn-out process, helping to develop and refine our shipboard COVID-19 protocols and risk mitigation strategies. These protocols were then finalised in cooperation with the various authorities and tailored for the State Governments, enabling political approval.

As we returned to sailing in Australian waters, Respond Global developed the testing protocols that were required by State, Territory or National requirements and assisted with their implementation. The team developed an App that allowed our guests to upload their test results electronically thus streamlining the administrative process and improving our guests’ experience through the embarkation process.

At no time, did I feel alone working through this challenging and unfamiliar territory. Respond Global were true partners, and the personal and professional contacts that they have in the various State and Territory Health Departments was of substantial assistance in achieving workable protocols for port entry, evacuation or isolation rules.

From my personal and corporate experience, I have no hesitation in recommending Respond Global and the services they provide.”


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