

For businesses and the industries in which they operate, being able to enact business continuity plans in times of crises in health is imperative to allow organisations to continue their operations, to avoid economic loss and ultimately minimise the impact of the lives of their workforces due to furloughing. Respond Global can assist business and industry to design, review and implement business continuity plans and the risk management frameworks that they fall under.

Protect your reputation

Business continuity is the ability of an organisation to respond to and recover quickly from unplanned disruptions. Having a robust business continuity framework will enable you to safeguard your people, the environment, your assets and your reputation.

Your business resilience strategies will go beyond just responding to an incident, by outlining strategies to avoid costly downtime, mitigate against vulnerabilities and maintain business operations post-incident.

Under ASX Operating Rules, listed organisations small and large need to have adequate disaster recovery and business continuity arrangements. Businesses need to be prepared to respond to and recover from any number of foreseen or unforeseen scenarios, such as pandemics, natural disasters and extreme weather events, supply chain issues or issues affecting local communities. Having a robust and tested business continuity plan ensures that your business can:

  • continue to operate during and after a business interruption,
  • recover operations more quickly after interruptions,
  • reduce costs and duration of any disruption,
  • mitigate risks and financial exposure,
  • build customer confidence and trust,
  • safeguard company reputation,
  • develop confidence within the business,
  • comply with regulatory or legal requirements, and
  • save lives and livelihoods.

Failure to plan for unforeseen business interruptions could be disastrous for any organisation. At best, the business risks losing customers while it tries to get back on its feet. At worst, the business may never recover and may ultimately cease trading. A clear, comprehensive and well-tested business continuity plan will give any business the best chance of overcoming a major business interruption.

We can help businesses to create business continuity programs if they don’t exist, or refine those that do. We can pressure test plans and protocols to gauge an organisation’s readiness and ability to respond, if and when they need to, and offer training in areas where it is needed. We can review and develop medical emergency response plans (MERPs) and provide after action reviews post-incident. Don’t wait until it’s too late.